Wednesday, April 09, 2008

My Blogspot Got Page Rank 3

After i got knowledge about Page Rank (PR), traffic, SEO, etc, i downloaded add-ons for my browser; Mozilla, to get add-ons to show page rank etc. And every page i open certainly i look for the PR...

And about my blogspot.

My blogspot visitor are 12-13 on average everyday. But the Page Rank was 3. Wawan said that pagerank perhapas we got many backlink if our page got Page Rank. And i use backlink watch to see link to my blog. And there are just few backlink to my page.. So, the page rank dont related with backlink. Or my be page rank appear becouse of age? Dunno. But i open another blog which the age almost similiar, it doesnt got PR. So the age doesnt make certain about PR... so, what else?